In this series of posts I want to explain and document the basic building blocks of building a mutation test framework in crystal-lang. For a bit more context on the working framework named crytic, make sure to check out the introductory post.
So let's get into the first block:
To start off, let's have a look at how we can modify some code programmatically. This is after all one of the cornerstones of mutation testing: mutating the code under test. As an example, let's assume we have the subjects code present in a string, and we want to change each occurrence of true
to false
We could go ahead and pull our trusty Regex
trickery out of the bag and do a string replacement on the code. This could work in a simple example, but in more complex scenarios, this would be problematic. Think comments, or future mutant's that not only do simple boolean replacements.
Are more robust way of doing this is to get an alternate representation of the code, versus only having a string. A better representation is the abstract syntax tree (AST). The AST is a data structure used in compilers, such as the crystal compiler. We can obtain an AST from a string by using crystals own AST parser, like so:
require "compiler/crystal/syntax/*"
code = <<-CODE
def hello
puts "hello"
ast = Crystal::Parser.parse(code)
Now what? What good is the AST? Well, luckily, crystal also provides means of interacting with it. There are two types of classes in crystal to deal with the AST: Visitor
and Transformer
. Let's make a simplified distinction here. Visitor
lives to inspect the AST, and Transformer
is the best choice to modify the ast. So let's subclass Transformer
and build ourselves a "mutant".
require "compiler/crystal/syntax/*"
code = <<-CODE
def hello
ast = Crystal::Parser.parse(code)
class BooleanTransformer < Crystal::Transformer
def transform(node : Crystal::BoolLiteral)
puts ast.transform(
# => will print:
# def hello
# false
# end
That's it! The AST will apply our transformer, which will be called for every BoolLiteral
, and return a literal false
Let's go one step further and look at how we could decide whether to transform a certain piece of code, or not. Analysing the source code first can give us the benefit of knowing beforehand how many mutations we can perform, and possibly excluding certain nodes. Imagine multiple booleans inside the above def hello
. Our current transformer would replace them all at the same time. Now for a mutation testing tool this is undesired, since we want to observe one change at a time. Implementing an aforementioned Visitor
can give us a location to every boolean:
class BooleanVisitor < Crystal::Visitor
def visit(node : Crystal::BoolLiteral)
puts "Line: #{node.location.try &.line_number}"
puts "Column: #{node.location.try &.column_number}"
def visit(node : Crystal::ASTNode)
# => will print:
# Line: 2
# Column: 3
Now we can save that location, an instance of Crystal::Location
, to the boolean or ignore it if we want.
Those two subclasses together, the Transformer
and the Visitor
allow crytic to actually mutate code.
Next time we will probably look at how to actually run the mutated code.