#Introducing crytic - mutation testing in crystal-lang

Published on October 20, 2018 · 608 words · about 3 min reading time

While trying to be as pedantic as possible about test automation with this very blog's source code, I had two todos: performance and mutation testing. Both of those I did not have a plan yet as to how to tackle them. However, I have previously dabbled in mutation testing with ruby's mutant gem, so I at least had an idea of what to get out of a mutation test suite. Some searching revealed to me that there was no mutation test library yet for crystal. And what does the software engineer do in that case? Write his/her own of course! So I hereby present to you:


crytic, distributed as a crystal shard, is my stab at mutation testing. It's new, it can't do much, it's probably buggy, but it already serves a simple purpose: Check parts of this blog's code for uncovered bits.

About code coverage

You might say: "why the heck do I need this? I have a code coverage report that shows 100%, so I am golden!". However, take the following code as an example:

# valid.cr
def valid?

# valid_spec.cr
require "./valid"
require "spec"

describe "valid?" do
  it "works" do
    valid?.should be_a(Bool)

This test will mark the valid? function as being 100% covered. But it does not at all make sure it works correctly. Returning false instead of true would still pass the test-suite at 100% coverage, but is obviously the opposite result.

So how to protect against this? Use crytic!


Running crytic --subject valid.cr valid_spec.cr yields the following output:

Original suite: ✅
Mutations covered by tests:

    ❌ BoolLiteralFlip (x1)
        The following change didn't fail the test-suite:
            @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
             def valid?
            -  true
            +  false

The line Original suite: ✅ is there to tell you that the original spec passed. This is helpful, because there is no point running mutated source code against a failing initial test-suite, because there is nothing to be learned from trying to make fail already failing tests.

❌ BoolLiteralFlip (x1) tells you that crytic has run one "mutation", more specificly the BoolLiteralFlip mutation on the valid? method. It changed the source code of the valid? method so that the boolean literal is false instead of true. It then ran the tests again. This mutation did not make the test-suite fail, so a wrong implementation slipped through the cracks of the suite. What follows is the diff that was made in order to detect this.

What to do with the result?

Improve the tests! So let's go ahead and run crytic on the improved test here:

# valid.cr
def valid?

# valid_spec.cr
require "./valid"
require "spec"

describe "valid?" do
  it "works" do
    valid?.should eq true

This will now show you ✅ BoolLiteralFlip (x1) to tell you that indeed the test-suite detected the intentionally modified code. You can now be much more confident in your code coverage and refactoring your code.


Obviously crytic is still very much new and just an MVP. I plan to improve all parts (output, speed, more mutations, ...) of it and use it in a few more places. Feel free to try it out to improve your testing efforts. The world needs better (and less 🤪) software and test automation is key to achieving it.